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Once you have a plane - where do you put it? Outside? Maybe for a stock plane, but the maintenance issues will start to pile up with the ship exposed to the elements. I couldn't imagine investing a bunch of money in a plane and a fancy paint job. Shade hangers offer only a bit more protection. A hanger is the best option. In my area, the waiting list for a hanger can be as long a 5 years, so plan ahead! Unlike a T-6 or T-28, the dimensions of a CJ-6 are more along the lines of a Cessna 182, but the height at the top of tail could be a problem. Make sure your prospective hanger door is tall enough.
Length27 ft 9 in29 ft 0 in
Wingspan33 ft 6 in36 ft 0 in
Height10 ft 8 in9 ft 4 in
I managed to find a T Hanger:


I've since move hangers twice. The top of the tail just barely fit in the one in the photo. The first move was to a slightly taller portable hanger. The second move was to a permanent hanger building with electricity. Having power in the hanger is quite helpful.